Welcome to BustedControllers.com
Ladies, gents, and germs, I would like to welcome you all to BustedControllers.com, home to everything video game related that’s fit to print (and some not-so-fit-to-print, but whatever). Please forgive the rudimentary photoshop work, our resident graphics guy is currently on tour in Canada. No, not on a tour doing graphics for websites, but on tour as a wrestler. But that’s another story, so we’ll have to wait until he gets back to pretty things up a bit…
Anyways, we’ve got big plans here at BC.com (abbreviated to BC.com because constantly typing “BustedControllers.com” can get redundant and tiresome). From news & reviews, to memes, livestreams, and everthing in-between, our goal is to keep you both informed and entertained between your marathon gaming sessions. I’m going to stop just short of using the cliche of “this site is your site” that many other websites like to use, but if there’s something you’d like to see here, or even something you DON’T like that’s already here, feel free to hit us up either at the “Contact Us” link up at the top, or on one of our various social media sites. We’re always open to feedback and constructive criticism, because in the long run that will only help us improve the product, and hopefully keep you around just that much longer.
So enough with the formal introduction, you’re here now. Take a look around, enjoy what you see, and don’t be startled if you notice things moving around or disappearing and reappearing, we’ll be in constant construction mode for the next few days. On behalf of the entire BC.com team (entire, ha. It’s only 4 of us), I’d like to thank you for checking us out, and I look forward to you stopping by in the future.
Humbly yours,
Allen Poe
Founder, Webmaster, and HNIC of Bustedcontrollers.com